adventure from coast to summit
Andy has over 30 years outdoor teaching experience and can offer:
Programme Planning and/or delivery
Risk-Benefit Assessment
Curriculum Audit and documentation linking to specific subjects
National outdoor qualifications
Specific links to - Planning and Development of projects for the Pupil Equity Fund - Raising Attainment, Specialist support for Departmental & Additional Needs, Curriculum Audit & Development, CPD, 3-18, Curriculum for Excellence, National Accreditation and Developing The Young Workforce.
Read more details, here:
Your school, centre or Care organisation can rely on Andy Cloquet's 35 years as a teacher and outdoor instructor to tailor your learning activities, in-school advice, curriculum guidance, planning and Risk Assessment to your needs.
Andy is a long standing member of The Institute for Outdoor Learning (IOL) from which he bases his practice: 'outdoor learning can transform young people' perceptions, attitudes, engagement and successful learning throughout the curriculum'.
Underpinning Andy's approach to outdoor learning is his experience that effective teaching and successful learning is best achieved through the medium of active involvement in a range of environments to enhance the use of the Senses through playing, exploring, discovering & creating.
Amongst his varied approaches he uses the uniquely developed principles of 'Promoting Curiosity, Making Connections and Developing Creativity'
During Andy's planning with your school's community, Andy can devise learning outcomes which will support & enhance your learners' literacy, numeracy, expressive arts, environmental & social studies skills and health & well being. His programming will start from your school grounds & locality with the longer term aim of broadening the use of outdoor learning to a core position in your curriculum. Of particular interest to schools recently, has been the use of the outdoor environment to stimulate engagement with aspects of literacy development: from developing speaking skills to providing the ingredients for story-making and more, his mini-lessons can be tailored to your classroom planning and needs.
From Andy's experience in Special Education, he can create support learners with nurturing, behaviour & social development and Skills Boost programmes.
Andy can also provide opportunities to develop areas of Health & Well Being by engaging pupils in working towards, The John Muir Award, National Accreditation in Navigation (NNAS) and this can be combined with Indoor Climbing (NICAS / NIBAS).
Andy's GTCS Registration and PVG enables him to support follow-up learning activity in-school to create blogs, tweets, on-line albums, newsletters, creative writing pieces and digital presentations.
Andy's Associates can be engaged to support his delivery of Mountain Bike sessions including the GEARS award, develop specific aspects of learning about flora and fauna and their interactions in our lives and communities and come alongside Andy to enable a larger number of young people to access the programming.
Also, we can work with contractors to develop your grounds to create exciting learning and adventure play areas.
If you would like an in-school consultation or presentation, this can be organised for no fee - although light refreshments would be appreciated!
Follow this LINK to a short on-line slide show.