adventure from coast to summit
Employee Training, Health & Welfare
Using adventure in the outdoors as the setting, Andy devises, prepares and runs experiential, active learning for developing your organisation's employee health & well being. Also, conference break-out sessions can be designed & delivered to complement your corporate personnel development programme. These can be provided either in and around your workplace or at a venue booked by your company.
Along with his highly experienced Associates, you and your colleagues will engage in a bespoke range of active, fun-based learning sessions designed to complement & explore the strengths, needs and opportunities amongst groupings of individuals and your organisation.
The programme and our reviewing sessions aim to contribute to your corporate strength, identity and develop realistic performance outcomes so that you are better ready to achieve your common aims as a professional organisation and business.
Should you simply want to have the opportunity to be entertained and relax through activity, then we ditch the formality and accelerate the fun.
We can engage preferred services offering catering and complementary treatments. We use only local & independent suppliers for any catering and the latest addition to our services is Angela Spence's exquisite Indian Head Massage
Combine learning with fun and set about improving your results.
here's a seriously extreme corporate challenge deep in Monessie Gorge!