adventure from coast to summit
OUTDOOR ADVENTURE SCOTLAND (OAS) fully endorses the principles of both the Scottish Government’s ‘Pupil Equity Fund’ & their ‘Attainment Challenge’ (Scottish Improvement Framework). To this end, our programming is designed to complement the on-going work under Curriculum for Excellence, already established in your school; fostering successful learning, supporting positive relationships and empowering young people with the skills necessary for tolerant, resilient and healthy life-style choices.
Our programming could be used to;
help prepare young people for one of their next stages in their life at school
support PSD and related Health & Well Being for selected groups of young people
nurture the foundations for sustained positive destinations (cf: Developing the Young Workforce)
contribute to the selection of pupil leaders and prefects
provide experiential learning experiences post-SQA exams
About ‘Outdoor Adventure Scotland’ (OAS)
You will find that development training and facilitation delivered by OAS is an especially rewarding experience. We achieve this because I and my Associate Trainer, each have over 30 years’ experience in outdoor & adventurous instruction, coaching, learning and development programming.
We combine our experience from teaching and guidance & local authority policy and strategy consultancy to enable you to devise with us a bespoke, outdoor-based programme of Challenge and Development learning.
OAS’ work for you is underpinned by the elements of Curiosity, Creativity and Connections and fun: where wanting to know more, using one’s imaginative capacities, discovering connections amongst apparently different ideas and developing huge smiles are fundamental to effective and positive learning & personal development.
From simple, making-tasks to complex multi-stage problem-solving games, OAS will engage you using the outdoors as the backdrop and medium for our work.
Our service includes, curriculum audit in relation to Outdoor Learning, Improvement planning, Risk-Benefit Assessment and delivery of training & facilitation sessions.
Outdoor Adventure Scotland on Facebook

These images are from 'Working Out of Doors' by Alan Smith